Food Technology Department

OverviewLaboratoryProjectsStaffTime TableScopeToppersSemester

Food technology is a combination of science and engineering dealing with processing and preservation of various agricultural, animal and marine produces into process food products such as:

  • Fruits & vegetable products like jam, jelly, squash, sauce , ketchups, pickles ,marmalades, frozen dehydrated products.
  • Beverages like aerated cola, orange, lemon, alcoholic beverages like wine, beer, tea, coffee, packaged water etc.
  • Cereals like milled and fortified atta, bread, biscuits, cake, ready to eat cereals like cornflakes, oats, noodles, pizza base etc.
  • Marine and animal products: Fresh, frozen and canned products.
  • Dairy: Pasteurized and standardized milk, milk products such as milk powder, cheese, ice-cream, butter, ghee, milk sweets, probiotic yoghurt etc.
  • Confectionary like chocolates, mashmalos, toffees
  • Extruded products like pasta, noodles, chips etc
  • Convenience foods – Ready to eat products such as instant food.

Food Technology introduces to basic knowledge of machines and equipments used in food industries, various packaging technology, microbial analysis of food and water, food safety, quality control and quality assurance is a part of the course.

The course also enables students to study about refrigeration and air conditioning, nutrition and health, the technology of  dairy, cereals fruit and vegetable , marine products and animal products ,food by-products and waste management, entrepreneurship development and industrial organization and management.

The highlight of this course is besides studying the important subjects mentioned above , the students undergo an Industrial Training in two phases i.e. at the fifth semester for a period of one month and during the seventh semester for a period of six months at reputed Food Industries within the State and out of State.

Generally there is a misconception that food technology and catering course is one and the same. This is not true.

Food technology involves processing and preservation of food in large quantities in factories through mechanized operations. Whereas catering involves cooking and serving for individual needs and taste for the table.

Food technology adds value to the existing food through modern processing methods and it is popularising the traditional food.

The Food Technology Department, Government Polytechnic was started in this institute in 1976.

It has an intake capacity of fifteen (15) students.

The programme is spread over seven terms and has a sandwich pattern consisting of two phases of Industrial training spread over seven months.

The department is housed in a special block with well-equipped laboratories and qualified staff members.

The department of Food Technology has excellent and spacious laboratories with appropriate testing facilities. The laboratories are mainly used for conducting practicals as per the curriculum.

The laboratories are equipped with required equipment’s for conducting various tests related to food technology.

The Ministry of Food Processing Industries(MFPI) under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme  has given the Department, a grant in aid of Rs.42.4 lakhs, under their scheme for human resource development in January 2004.

This is the only polytechnic to be selected under this scheme and the objective is to create better infrastructure facilities like laboratories etc.

The funds from the above scheme have been utilized for the development of the three laboratories namely Microbiology, Chemistry and Processing laboratories in addition to the existing laboratories.

  • Preparation of curd with Moringa Oleifera leaves extract
  • Rajgira and Ragi cookies
  • Development of Whey ice cream
  • Development of Carrot – Orange based RTS ( Ready To Serve)

In Charge HOD, Food Technology
Lecturer in Microbiology
M.Sc. Microbiology
(0832) 2225973

Area of Interest: Microbiological Quality Control of Foods, Biochemistry and Nutrition Fermentation Technology, Water Analysis & Sewage Treatment




Technician Chemistry & Microbiology

(0832) 2225973




Laboratory Attendant

(0832) 2225973


India is the second largest producer of food in the world. Our economy is mainly based on agriculture.

Food processing industry is one of the largest industries in India and is ever growing.

Food industry in our country is still at its nascent stage and is growing at a good speed with plenty of scope for its development and expansion.

Government of India has an independent ministry namely, Ministry of Food processing Industry, New Delhi, to give trust to this sector.

Most recently in Goa, Food processing units worth Rs 2.2 crore have been approved under the Pradhan Mantri Formalisation Enterprises Scheme(PM- FMFPES)

The Commencing of the MOPA Airport opens up avenues for the export of perishable agricultural and marine food products which Goa can cater to ,both being located along the coastal belt and being an agricultural hub.

Some of the processing industries in India.

Parle Agro Industries Pepsi Dabur Brooke Bond India
Cadbury India Ltd ITC Haldiram Hindustan Foods
Nestle India Amul Parle India Cream Bell Ice cream
Britannia Industries GITS Marico Indusries LTD Funtacy Ice cream
Coca Cola MTR Vista Processed food Monginies
Toppers: Academic Year 2017
1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
Name Rutuja W. Jadhav Shevde Omakr Pradeep Raier Rozario Domingo
Enrollment No. 170106010 160106015 150106013
Percentage 72.03% 67.80% 76.80%
Topper Academic Year 2021
1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
Name Kieran Pereira Shambhavi  Sukhtanker
Enrollment No. 190106001 180106001
Percentage 88.27%
73.66 %
First Class

Students completing this course are well equipped to be an entrepreneur. They are employed as Supervisor, Quality Control Officers and Quality Assurance Officers in food processing industries.

They have already been employed as FDA inspectors. The pass out students are eligible to get admission in the 2nd year of degree colleges.


 Course structure 7 semesters

Semester Marks
I 500
II 700
III 750
IV 750
V 750
VI 750


FIRST GC101 Comm Skills 0 0 25 25
GC102 Engineering  Maths I 75 25 0 25
GC103 Applied Physics I 75 25 0 25
GC105 Basic Engineering Practice( Electronic & Computer) 0 0 50 50
GC203 Environmental Studies 75 25 0 0
Second GC104 Applied Chemistry 75 25 0 25
GC106 Basic Engineering Practice( Mech& Elect) 0 0 50 75
GC201 Engineering Maths II 75 25 0 25
GC202 Applied Physics II 75 25 0 25
GC204 Engineering Drawing 0 0 50 50
GC205 Engineering Materials 75 25 0 0
THIRD FD301 General Microbiology 75 25 25 25
FD302 Organic Chemistry 75 25 25 25
FD303 Methods of Food Preservation I 75 25 0 50
FD304 Food Engineering I 0 0 25 25
CC304 Basic Electrical Engineering 75 25 0 25
CC307 Elements of Mechanical Engineering 75 25 0 25
FOURTH FD401 Food Chemistry 75 25 25 25
FD402 Food Engineering II 0 0 25 25
FD403 Food Microbiology 75 25 25 25
FD404 Methods of Food Preservation II 75 25 0 25
FD405 Technology of Food Products 75 25 0 50
FD406 Cereal Technology 75 25 0 25
FIFTH FD501 Elementary Food Analysis 75 25 25 25
FD502 Fruit & Vegetable Technology 75 25 0 50
FD503 Dairy Technology 75 25 0 50
FD504 Food Packaging Technology 75 25 0 25
CC501 Entrepreneurship Development 0 0 0 25
E1 Elective 1 75 25 0 50
AC101 Essence of Indian Knowledge & Tradition 0 0 0 0
TR502 Food Technology Training I 0 0 15 35
SIXTH FD601 Food Safety and Standards 75 25 25 25
FD602 Industrial water & waste treatment 0 0 25 25
FD603 Biochemistry & Nutrition 75 25 25 25
FD604 Food Technology Project 0 0 50 100
CC601 Industrial Organization and management 75 25 0 0
E2 Elective 2 75 25 25 25
AC102 Indian Constitution 0 0 0 0
SEVENTH TR701 Food Technology Training I 0 0 100 100

Elective group E1 & E2


  • FD511  Animal Product Technology
  • FD512  Marine Product Technology
  • FD513  Food Refrigeration & cold Chain
  • FD514  By- Product Utilization Technology


  • FD611  Soft Drink & Alcoholic beverage Technology
  • FD612  Food Processing Applications
  • FD613  Computer Application in Food Technology
  • FD614  Food Marketing Management